Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Brier - Draw 17, 2nd half

I think I'll go back to adding commentary on each end at the bottom of the posting. Which is better??
End #6
It really stands out that Hart is curling only 60% so far, and that is probably the reason Ont isn't ahead at this point of the game.

Oops, Kennedy misses a hit-roll, rolling out; Laing draws. Morris gets a good hit-roll. At one point you could see Glenn watching what was going on on the next sheet, where Russ is playing.
Geez, Hart sort of misses a hit-roll, and Morris makes one. But the rocks are lined up for a double. They didn't leave the backing they wanted, but it was a fine shot, leaving two reds at equal depth in the rings. Martin curled around the guard to freeze (within 2") to the Ont shot rock. Howard taps it back onto the red, driving the red out. Ont is on the button with a yellow stone behind them. Alberta tries to guard and force Ontario to take one. Some fun banter between Hart and Martin. Howard made the shot, to tap the Alberta rock back, but the shooter rolled even farther.

Ontario 3, Alberta 3 after 6

End #7
A bunch of nose hits. Then Ontario tried to split a tight guard onto the rings. Didn't quite work. Alberta, good hit and roll, followed by a nice freeze from Ontario. Alberta has to try to blast it wide open. Morris knocks out everything but one red in the 4'. Howard guards it, but Martin threw a run-back double with his shooter rolled to the side -- yet another GREAT shot. Howard buries around the wide corner guard. I didn't follow the logic about why, but Martin decided to draw for one rather than attempt the take-out/blank.

Alberta 4, Ontario 3 after 7

End #8
NB is trailing. Quebec is ahead. Playoff positions are still in doubt.

Same set up as before, with the roles reversed. Alberta rocks up the centre line with one Ontario rock sandwiched in, plus an Ontario corner guard. Blast out by Laing leaves two Albertas in the rings, draw by Kennedy. Double-raise runback by Laing. Watch that biter for Alberta in the top 12; it could affect things later. Morris through a gap to drive out the Ontario shot rock. Hart follows him through the gap to double off the top two Alberta counters. Morris through the same gap to remove the Ont shot rock. Rather than remove it, Howard has Hart draw around the guard -- perfect shot.

Martin ran the guard back to knock off the shot rock, but it jammed, so Martin is sitting one-three. Howard draws around the long guard. Then Martin draws around that, but is partly exposed, leaving Howard with a tap back for two.

Ontario 5, Alberta 4 after 8. Too bad this has to end! Oh well, we'll see these two teams play each other again in the 1-2 page playoff.



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