Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Draw 11: Brief Note

I arrived home last evening just in time to watch some of the game between PEI and Ontario. Without wanting to beat a dead horse too severely, let me just say that the PEI performance was consistent with everything I have written earlier about the rink.

At the same time, we have been increasingly impressed by McCarville and the Ontario rink. We certainly miss Lorraine Lang. But over the past four years, McCarville has gained considerable experience and confidence, which really has shown during the 2010 Scott Tournament of Hearts.

Here's something fun to try, suggested by Ms. Eclectic. Next time Ontario is being televised, look away from the tv set. Do you sometimes think you're listening to Jennifer Jones instead of Krista McCarville? Even if their voices don't sound exactly the same, there is a tone of being confident, knowledgeable, and in charge that comes through in the voices of both of them.

On the schedule this morning are four games, all of which I'd love to be able to watch. This is one good reason for attending these things in person --- you get to switch you attention from sheet to sheet as you wish. Can't wait for the Brier to be in London next year.

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At 2/03/2010 11:13 a.m., Blogger Alan Adamson said...

Overall I agree with the assessment of McCarville, but this morning has sure not been her best display of confidence.


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