Saturday, January 29, 2011

Peel Your Own Rock???
intriguing strategy

I'm sure it has happened before, albeit infrequently, but in the tie-breaker between Folk and Holland at the Saskatchewan Scott Tournament of Hearts, Holland purposely peeled one of her own rocks.

The setting was this: Holland was up by one in the tenth end with the hammer and had one rock in the rings. Everything else was clear, as Folk's attempt to hide behind that one rock had barely coasted through the rings. So rather than leave Folk anything to freeze to, or anything to hide behind, Holland just peeled her own rock, leaving Folk with an empty house for her last rock.

Sure as shootin', Folk drew to the button with her last rock, and then Holland peeled that rock for the win. It sure was fun to watch that process.

Addendum: I didn't make it to Outlook today. I'm still thinking of going tomorrow. I've been watching the tie-breakers on the webcast site (see the posting below this one). As I've tried to say before, it is remarkably good for having only two cameras and no replays.



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