Friday, April 01, 2011

Another Media Handout on TV and WebTV Coverage

This was handed out today and contains some surprises.

Not so surprising is that Eurosport is planning 16 rounds of coverage. Many are delayed but there is eight hours difference to CET.

Also not surprising is the Eurosport player. I read a recent interview with Thomas Ulsrud in which he mentioned seeing the Brier online; this may have been the means. They offer several draws a day.

TSN is covering only Canada's matches and the playoffs.

NBC Universal Sports is covering only a couple of matches, the Gold Medal game, and something described as 'Championship Game TBD'.

China's CCTV5 will provide 'extensive coverage'.

But here's what got me. GLOBO-SPORTV, available only in Brazil, will cover the semi-final and final! Brazil. Who'd have thunk it? Mind you, Brazil is a member of the WCF.



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