Thursday, April 07, 2011

Draw #15: Across the Sheets, Part II

There's a good-sized crowd here this morning, too many to count. The Scots, Chinese, and Korean teams all have small but very vocal cheering sections; all of them have also attracted some Canadian fans who are helping them out. It's all been great fun. It will be interesting to see how the "attendance-estimator" comes out today. It certainly was off the mark for Draw 11 (update to follow after this draw)

On Sheet D, Denmark rolled behind a guard, forcing Kapp to draw for one. On sheet A the game have been open for two ends between France and Scotland, with Scotland blanking both ends. In the first end, it looked to me as if the Scots were more forced into the blank, but then I guess that is usually the case.

In the middle sheets there are more rocks in play. Edin tried a tap back to roll under cover against Korea, but was open, leaving a hit for two by Korea. And on sheet B, with a few guards out front, the teams have been trying to play into the centre of the house. Canada has one on the button, and China has one in the back 4'. Stoughton freezes to his own rock on the button, leaving only a very difficult draw to the other part of the button for Ji (China Skip) to try to salvage one. Perfect. Canada leads China 2-1 and has the hammer.

For the 3rd end, there are rocks in play everywhere except sheet D, where Denmark blanks the end against Germany. The tension here is actually pretty noticeable as every sheet has a game that counts for more than just the pride of winning. Meanwhile, the house has been nearly emptied between Sweden and Korea, but a hit and roll attempt by Lee remained open, and Edin hits and sticks for 1 rather than rolling out. Kor 2, SW 1.

Between France and Scotland, the FR skip's last stone didn't quite curl behind the guards and is exposed; with the hammer, Brewster ignores it, though, and draws to the side 4' to score 2. SC 2, FR 0.

On sheet B in front of me, the play has developed behind two guards, with rocks in the back of the rings. With his last rock, Ji looked at trying a hit through a VERy narrow port and made the shot perfectly, forcing Canada to take one. CA 3, CH 1.



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