Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Draw 13

I'm in front of ON-PE, next over is NL-NB, then MB-SK, and in the distance NT-BC.
I plan much the same as this morning.

UPDATE: 8-1 ON over PE after 4 and Scott Howard is lead again. He did not fall this time coming out onto the ice.
After 4 also it is 3-1 NL. 3-1 SK, and 3-2 BC.
Calls of "C'mon Scottie" abound.

UPDATE: At the break it's ON 11-1 over PE, who will play onyield. It's 3-2 NL over NB.

UPDATE: SK 3-2 over MB at the break (and with the hammer in 6). BC 4-3 over NT.

UPDATE: SK score 2 in 6 and lead now 5-2 over MB.

NBNL get one in 6 : 4-32 NL.
NB get 1 in 7 : 4-3 NL.

UPDATE: MB get 2 in 67. 5-4 SK.
NL get 2 in 8 : 6-3 NL.

UPDATE: MB steal 2, MB 6-5 after 8.
NB are forced to 1 in 9. 6-4 NL.

SK blank 9, still 6-5 MB.

UPDATE: SK gets one in 10. Into an extra end.
Manitoba won't have a lot of rest before Alberta this evening.




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