Wednesday, March 09, 2011


As I was driving down to the Brier this morning the CBC radio host was musing on how much fun it is to hear calls of "Hurry!" "Hurry hard".
I just heard it called, but I am sure not by a skip. I think it came out of the audience. I think she'll be disappointed if she comes to a draw at the Brier.
I do hear "HAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDD!" And I hear "Go" and "No" or "Off".
But I never hear "Hurry" (I do not recall hearing it from a skip this week.) This seems economical to me, as it should be utterly redundant. Saying nothing can mean "Hurry" and then one can add intensifers alone, or signals to turn off and on (of course there is a problem with 'Go' and "no" in that they could be mistaken for one another).
When did 'Hurry' disappear? And isn't it still in the women's game? (I was not paying attention during the Scotties.)



At 3/09/2011 4:03 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

The PEI skip grunts something that could be "Hurry!" but it comes out as "Ree!" and is usually followed by "Ard!".

At 3/09/2011 4:31 p.m., Blogger Alan Adamson said...

Ah so there are still some traditionalists. I will try to listen more closely next time the yare out on the ice. Unfortunately they just left it right in front of me.


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