Monday, March 14, 2011

TSN Coverage of the 2011 Women's World Championship

The full list of coverage is available at this site. If you come up with backdoor access to any of the European sites where we might be able to watch more of the curling, please let us know.

Meanwhile, from that site, here is the list of telecasts planned by TSN next week.

TSN (Canada Only)
19.03.20110400-0700China v Canada
20.03.20111400-1700Denmark v Canada
21.03.20110400-0700Canada v Scotland
22.03.20111400-1700USA v Canada
23.03.20110900-1200Switzerland v Canada
24.03.20110900-1200Canada v Germany
25.03.20111400-1700Playoffs - Feature game 1
26.03.20110500-0800Playoffs - Feature game 2

1000-1300Semi Final
27.03.20110400-0700Bronze LIVE




At 3/22/2011 12:06 a.m., Blogger Sharon said...

We would like to know why you or TSN 2 aren't SHOWING all the Canadian Womens games. Could you please give me a reasonable answer, because we are totally upset. I would like a reply, my email address is Sharon Kempthorne

At 3/22/2011 12:09 a.m., Blogger Sharon said...

We are extremely upset that we are not able to watch all the Canadian Womens games. Why on earth are you not carrying all of them on your stations TSN or TSN2. All the curlers in Canada are as upset as we are I am sure. Please reply. Sharon Kempthorne

At 3/24/2011 11:47 a.m., Blogger Alan Adamson said...

Just to clarify - the poor saps who own this blog do not control TSN's behavior. In fact we'd love to think we even influence it.


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